Help us reach as many voters as we can with the Greens message by joining us roadsiding on Gympie Road in Kedron

While the major parties can afford to spend big on countless billboards, we rely on people like you to help power our own visibility during the campaign! 

Help us reach as many Lilley voters as we can with the Greens message by roadsiding in Kedron!

We'll meet on Boothby St, Kedron at 3.15 pm to be briefed and get our signs, for a 3.30 pm start on Gympie Road. Roadsiding will take about an hour.

Please wear your Greens t-shirt, a hat, sunnies and sunscreen and bring a water bottle and your widest smile!

If you don't have a Greens-t-shirt, please send your name and size to (S, M, L, XL, 2XL)

It's so important we get our positive messages out there, to counter the attack ads being funded by the billionaires and fossil fuel industry.

Let's show the folks of Lilley that Green is for good!

Event Details

Date & Time

Mar 29th, 2025 03:15 PM through to
Mar 29th, 2025 04:30 PM


11 Boothby Street


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