Join our 500-person strong rally to keep Dutton out and keep Brisbane Green with Greens Leader Adam Bandt.

In 2022 the Greens in Brisbane made history when we won all three inner city seats. We helped kick out Scott Morrison and show that truly progressive politics is popular.

Now we have an even more important job: keeping out Peter Dutton’s divisive, ultraconservative, Trumpian agenda.

Join our 500-person strong rally with Greens Leader Adam Bandt on Saturday 29 March and show that we will keep out Dutton by keeping Brisbane Green.

Holding the three Brisbane seats could be the difference between a Dutton minority government with Katter, or a Labor minority government negotiating with the Greens to deliver things like dental into Medicare, no new coal and gas, and taxing billionaires.

PLEASE NOTE: There is very little parking near Highgate Hill Park, so public or active transport is highly recommended!

Event Details

Date & Time

Mar 29th, 2025 09:30 AM through to
Mar 29th, 2025 11:00 AM


158 Dornoch Tce
Highgate Hill Park
Highgate Hill 4101


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