Help us reach as many voters as we can with the Greens message by joining us roadsiding in Tugun!

While the major parties can afford to spend big on countless billboards, we rely on people like you to help power our own visibility during the campaign! 

We'll be meeting at Golden Four Drive in Tugun at around 8am to catch the morning rush along the Gold Coast Highway. There is parking and public transport nearby

Please bring along a Greens shirt (If you don't have one, there will be spares) and some water as we'll be standing in the heat.

Making ourselves visible to voters is a key part of the campaign, so thank's for showing up and helping to grow the Greens on the Gold Coast.

Event Details

Date & Time

Oct 3rd, 2024 08:00 AM through to
Oct 3rd, 2024 10:00 AM


Golden Four Park


Basic Event Registration